Monday, 19 December 2016

How to Slim Thighs – The Thigh Gap!

A woman’s thighs tend to start to get skinny at a body fat percentage of approximately 18%. However, for your thighs to become slim, tight and toned you first need to know what type of thighs you have, otherwise you may inadvertently make your thighs bigger.
Do you feel you have fat thighs, muscular thighs or just aren’t sure? To successfully slim down thighs take the test below. The result will help you determine whether you need to lose fat from thighs or need to slim down muscular thighs.


Before you set about trying to slim down your thighs, you need to establish whether you have big thigh muscles or a lot of thigh fat.
  1. Straighten your leg
  2. Tighten your thigh muscles
  3. Pinch the top layer of fat and skin of the thigh
If there is much to pinch, then fat is making your thighs big and you’ll also probably suffer with cellulite. (read more about fat thighs)
If there is little to pinch, you have large thigh muscles and little fat and will have little cellulite, if any. (read more about muscular thighs)
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1. Avoid exercises such as squats

Avoid exercises such as squats, lunges, leg curls, stiff-legged deadlifts, leg extensions and calf raises, especially with heavy weights for now. They DO NOT slim thighs. A piece of cardio machinery you would do well to avoid is the Stairmaster/ step machine. Although these exercise are often promoted to make thighs smaller, they actually target thigh muscles and can make them bigger. Weight training make muscle fibers larger. You can do these exercises once you have striped fat from your thighs and have a clearer idea of how muscular your thighs are.

2. Cardiovascular exercise to slim thighs

This is the main tool in your arsenal. Your cardio goal should be to burn fat without gaining much muscle mass in the thighs. To achieve this you need to avoid working the thigh muscles more than necessary. If you are working out on cardio equipment, you need to keep the resistance low (e.g. elliptical trainer, stationary bike) or the incline low (treadmill). However, aim for a moderately high intensity (how hard you are exercising) for maximum effectiveness. Use the heart rate calculator. If you are exercising outside avoid hilly terrain.

3. Long-duration cardio to burn fat without bulking up

This will avoid targeting the type of muscle fiber that makes muscle get big and bulky. Instead, long-duration cardio (e.g. long-distance running) will target a smaller muscle fiber that has very limited capacity for growth. The result is that you build stronger muscle without building big thigh muscles, while burning fat. On the other hand, avoid short intense bouts of cardio (e.g. sprinting, HIIT). Although this can be a great fat burner, it may also increase the size of your thigh muscles. Endurance running is one of the most effective exercise to get defined, slim thighs and legs. Endurance runners tend to have very slim legs, especially in compared with sprinters who have highly developed and very large thigh muscles.

4. Running to slim thighs and reshape legs

Endurance running is especially effective in those who have big thigh muscles, as it may decrease the size of the muscles and reduce fat around the muscle to make the thighs smaller. It will completely transform the size and make-up of your thighs and your calves. Therefore, to slim down thighs do endurance running with little or no incline. If you find it too difficult to run or are unable to run, try the elliptical trainer with little or no resistance. Posture on the elliptical trainer is critical. Correct posture will target your butt, outer thigh and hamstring muscles (back of thighs) and lessen the strain on your quadriceps (front of thighs), avoiding you from inadvertently building big thighs.

5. Resistance training

When you have lost some fat from your thighs you can think about resistance training. If you need to increase muscle mass in order to increase the shape and definition of your thighs you can implement resistance exercises. In order to have fantastic legs you need muscle. Therefore, if you lack shape having lost weight, a program of resistance training targeting the legs will help to shape and firm them. Be sure to keep the weights moderately light (up to 70% of your one-lift maximum), so that your thigh muscles become harder, stronger and more defined, but not significantly larger. In other words, focus on completing more repetitions, with less resistance. Those who have the type of muscle (mesomorphs) that responds quickly and gets big need to be particularly vigilant and may not choose not to do any such exercises, since their thigh muscles are already well toned.

6. Patience

You need to be patient and focused on what you want to achieve. You cannot burn body fat in specific areas, especially inner thigh fat. You cannot spot reduce. Body fat is lost from the entire body during weight loss. The inner thighs will be one of the last areas of the body in a woman to be slim and firm. Just remember to be realistic and to take your body shape, genetics and current level of body fat into consideration when setting goals. You can get slim thighs, but you need time to get there.

7. Targeted workout program

Check out Visual Impact for Women (there’s also Visual Impact for Men). If you need to reduce inches – fat or muscle – or feel you are overly muscular this program is certainly is worth investigating. The author tackles the issue of wanting to get fit and lean without getting big or bulky head on. The program specifically addresses the problem of being overly muscular and takes it seriously; offering a comprehensive strategy that encompasses diet, cardiovascular exercise and resistance training aimed at reducing – not gaining – inches. In chapter 1 the author has this to say:

“Sick of hearing that it impossible for you to gain too much muscle because you don’t have enough testosterone? I will discuss that and other myths told to women on a consistent basis.”
Visual Impact for Women also has solutions on how to decrease muscle mass, if you feel you are too bulky. Here’s a description from one of the chapters of Visual Impact for Women:
“Legions of women have muscular thighs and calves that they would like to make slim and defined. This is common especially with women who have been given poor training advice. Despite this being a taboo subject, I’m going to give you a strategy that works.

How to Slim Big Thighs – Muscular vs Fat Thighs

Before you set about losing weight from thighs first understand the factors that influence the size of your thighs. This will allow you to choose the right thigh exercises, tailored to your needs, goals and body type.



Women and men have so-called sex-specific fat deposits. Sex hormones affect fat distribution. Estrogen directs fat to deposit around the pelvis, buttocks, and outer and inner thighs of women, while testosterone means men store fat in the belly area. This makes it far more difficult for women to shift fat from the hips, butt and thighs than from other areas of the body – areas of so-called stubborn fat. While it is obviously the bane of many a woman’s life, there is a biological advantage – this type of fat is thought to play a role in fertility and lactation. Interestingly, it appears that during lactation, this stubborn fat is not quite so stubborn and easier to budge than normally.


Your body shape will have significant bearing on the size of your thighs. Pear-shaped women will suffer the worst of it, with large thighs and butt, while cone-shaped women will have slim thighs and legs compared to the rest of their body. You cannot change your body shape and if you are pear-shaped you will have to work harder slim down thighs and inner thighs. However, don’t despair, Jennifer Lopez is a perfect example of a pear shape – yet no one gives a second thought about the size of her thighs, but instead extol her shapely derriere.

3. FAT

Your thighs may simply be large because you have a lot of fat in this area – fatty thighs. As explained above, most women will have a natural tendency to deposit fat in their outer and inner thighs. Unfortunately, this means that this is one of the last places fat then the shift, which means you need to be patient and determined to see results. For women legs tend to slim around a body fat percentage of 18%. Therefore, you can strip away thigh fat, to get slim thighs, but it will take time. Use the body fat calculator to determine your body fat percentage.The best thigh exercises for you are the ones that don’t simply firm and tone, but strip fat from thighs, to make big thighs smaller (see how to lose fat from thighs). If you don’t burn fat, you wont get slimmer thighs. Thus, any thigh exercises that only firm thighs, but do not burn fat will do little to actually slim thighs, since your thigh muscles remain firmly hidden under a layer of thigh fat.


Another reason for large thighs is that you may naturally have large thigh muscles. Muscle is made up of muscle fibers. There are different types of muscle fibers, which also vary in size. You are probably have a larger proportion of Type II muscle fibers (large) commonly found in sprinters and power athletes than Type I fibers (small) generally found in endurance athletes. Muscular thighs, even if thighs are toned, means larger thighs. Unfortunately, you can’t shift muscle like you can shift fat. Not that you would want to. Muscle is healthy, excessive fat is not. However, don’t be disheartened, there are a couple of causes of big thigh muscles you may be able to do something about, to slim thighs:
  • It may be the case that you don’t have a genetic tendency to have big thigh muscles, but that you have a natural tendency to gain a lot of muscle in your thighs with exercise. High-resistance/ high-incline exercise (e.g. treadmill or elliptical trainer) or spot reduction exercises for your thighs/ inner thigh exercises may have made you thigh muscles bigger (see how to lose weight from thighs). Sports such as ice skating and dancing also tend to produce powerful thighs. Therefore, if you have been doing these type of exercises that target thighs in a bid to get slimmer thighs, you may need to rethink your workout strategy.
  • You are genetically programmed to have large muscles (mesomorph body type), but you may also have a lot of fat around the muscle. In other words, you have a lot of fat and a lot of muscle. Stripping the fat from your outer and inner thighs will slim thighs significantly and you might just find that some beautifully defined legs are lurking underneath that thigh fat.


how to lose weight from thighs
To understand how to slim thighs you need to understand a little about how your thigh is constructed, i.e. thigh anatomy. There are several layers that go into making your thigh. The first layer is obviously skin. Under the skin is a layer of fat. The yellow colored stuff you can see in the picture is fat. This thigh fat surrounds the thigh muscles. When you gain weight, that yellow layer gets much thicker making your thigh bigger. The red colored stuff under the fat is muscle. When you exercise these muscles in a certain way, they get larger, which in turn makes the thighs bigger. That’s why, when wanting to slim thighs, you need to think about both thigh fat and thigh muscle. Both go up and down in size, influencing the proportions of your thighs.
Take the slim thigh test to determine whether you have fatty thighs or big thigh muscles.

Best Thigh Exercises to Burn Fat

If there is one body image anxiety that frustrates women from all four corners of the globe, it is the size of their thighs.
Call it thunder thighs, saddlebags, wobbly thighs or just plain big thighs, body image surveys repeatedly show the same results, that the overwhelming majority of women are unhappy with their thighs – particularly their inner thighs. Some surveys have found that as much as 90% of women are dissatisfied with their thighs.
Apart from the obvious annoyance of having large thighs, they bring an added irritation: cellulite. This orange-peel look on the hips, thighs and butt worsens the more thigh fat you gain. Fat cells grow bigger and once large enough, become noticeable through the skin. To make matters even worse, as women age the skin becomes thinner and less supple such that these large fat cells become even more obvious. Men usually have little to worry about. Although they too can have fat thighs, they do not suffer with cellulite and easily lose weightfrom their thighs with exercise – unlike women.
With so many people, particularly women, seeking to get slimmer inner thighs a large and lucrative market has emerged to sell women the latest magic pill, contraption, cream or exercise that promises to reduce and slim thighs. Unfortunately, much of the information out there is at best inflated and overstated and will, at worst, aggravate the problem – making big thighs bigger. 


Inner thigh exercises are incredibly popular, with many under the mistaken belief that by targeting the inner thigh muscles one is able to burn thigh fat, tone legs and achieve firm inner thighs. Exercises that promise to target the thighs to burn inner thigh fat and slim thighs are known as spot reduction. However, exercise physiologists categorically agree that you cannot reduce fat in one specific area by exercising that particular body part only. When you lose body fat, be it from exercise or diet, you generally lose body fat all over and may actually lose fat quicker from the upper – not lower – body. In fact, spot reduction not only fails to slim thighs and inner thighs, but may actually increase the size of your thighs.Here’s why. Inner thigh exercises target thigh muscles. The burn you’re feeling when working out is from working the muscle – not burning fat. Advocates of spot reduction mistakenly purport that targeting the thigh muscles will burn thigh fat. However, fat and muscle are NOT the same. Targeting your thigh muscles, does exactly that. It targets your thigh muscles and makes them stronger. When your muscles grow stronger doing these exercises they also grow bigger. Thigh specific exercises definitely CANNOT make a muscle smaller. Therefore, most people fail to see the results they expected, get frustrated and give up, especially if the inner thigh exercises not only fails to deliver the promised results but actually produces the opposite effect. Read about the thigh exercises you should be doing to lose weight from thighs.
inner thigh exercises
Most women want inner thighs that do not touch, but wish for thighs that are so slim there is a gap. Unfortunately, not all women can achieve this inner thigh gap (healthily) even with a little body fat in the inner thigh area. Whether or not you can, will depend on the reasons for the size of your thighs.


Understanding what causes big thighs is important in helping you choose the correct thigh exercises that are right for your body and your goals. It is important you choose the right thigh exercises, otherwise you could either end up with the same big thighs or worse with bigger thighs. Therefore, avoid generic thigh exercises and choose thigh exercises tailored to your body. This will ensure you get the results you want. Cardiovascular exercise is the best exercise to slim down thighs. However, if your main goal is to increase the shape of your thighs, then thigh exercises are right choice.

How to Slim Calves

Increasing numbers of people, particularly women, are unhappy with the size of their calves and are many are seriously considering calf reduction surgery. However, there are other, less invasive, means than calf reduction to slim down calves. Find out what causes large calves and what you can do to lose weight and slim calves.


1. Keep your heels down and avoid walking on the ball of your foot.
2. RUN to slim calves and reshape legs.Running is a powerful tool that allows you to slim down your legs and calves. Think about the physique of short- and long-distance runners. Endurance runners usually have thin legs, as opposed to sprinters who have very well developed calves and thigh muscles. Sprinting develops the calves, but endurance running does not and will in fact slim down calves. Run slower, but for longer distances (endurance running). To slim down your legs, slim thighs and calf muscles, do endurance cardio with little to no resistance. That means running on flat terrain when outdoors or keeping the resistance/ incline low on the cardio machines in the gym. This will slim down your legs and slim down your calves, while keeping your legs firm and shapely. Endurance running can reduce the size of the actual calf muscle and reduce the fatty tissue around it (and everywhere else), that is making the calf look bulky. Put simply, it helps you lose fat from calves and it helps reduce muscle mass.
3. Avoid activities that primarily call for strength, power and speed from your legs muscles, as they will create bigger bulkier muscle. For example, short intense cardio workouts, workouts that require strength and exercises that involve resistance, incline or going up hills. Steep inclines on the treadmill particularly and hill running will develop calves and make big calves even larger.
4. Avoid high-impact jumping movements, such as rope jumping. Swimming, walking, cross-training and the elliptical trainer are great to slim down calf muscles. The elliptical trainer is an excellent tool for low-impact cardio. However, keep the resistance on the low. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, exercise for longer periods. Walking slims down the lower legs as it lengthens the muscles between the back of the knee and the ankle.
5. Avoid the step machine and other types of climbing exercises, as these type of exercises target the calf muscles to increase size. Remember, your goal is to lose bulky calf muscle, i.e. to slim it down, not make to big calf muscles bigger.
6. Resistance Training. You can either avoid training this area completely or if you prefer use light weights and high reps. Resistance exercises that target the calf muscles will tend to increase the size of the calf muscle – not slim down calves.In other words, resistance training is more likely to give you big calves, than make your calves smaller. Remember there is no such thing as spot reduction. If you need to lose fat around your calf muscles you can only do so through diet, cardio or even liposuction of calves. But you cannot do exercises that will reduce the fat around the calf muscles alone.7. Stretching makes big muscles appear longer and leaner.Stretching lengthens bulked-up muscles. You could try stretching classes, yoga or Pilates. A great stretching exercise for the calf muscles is a wall push-up. Stand with your front foot approximately one foot from a wall and your back foot about three feet from a wall. Your back leg should be straight, the front leg bent and your hands resting against the wall, while you lean forward. Your feet should be pointing straight ahead and your heels on the ground. Hold for 15 – 30 seconds, switch legs and repeat. You should feel the stretch in the back of your leg. This stretching exercise should help lengthen calves.
8. Pilates is an excellent tool to shape and elongate your calves, legs and body.
9. Ankle circles moves:Sit on a chair, with your back straight and firmly against the back of the chair. Slowly circle your left foot clockwise. Do this six times. Then repeat counter-clockwise six times. Repeat the exercise with the right foot.
10. Find out the causes of big calves:Find out why you have large calves and address the cause.
12. Learn about how to slim down legs.
13. VISUAL IMPACT. Check out Visual Impact for Women (there’s also Visual Impact for Men). If you need to reduce inches – fat or muscle – or feel you are overly muscular it is certainly is worth investigating. The author tackles the issue of wanting to get fit and lean without getting big or bulky head on. The program specifically addresses the problem of being overly muscular and takes it seriously; offering a strategy that encompasses diet, cardiovascular exercise and resistance training aimed at reducing – not gaining – inches. In chapter 1 the author has this to say:
“Sick of hearing that it impossible for you to gain too much muscle because you don’t have enough testosterone? I will discuss that and other myths told to women on a consistent basis.” Visual Impact for Women  also has solutions on how to decrease muscle mass, if you feel you are too bulky. Here’s a description from one of the chapters (Chapter 19: How to Lose Muscle Mass on Purpose) of Visual Impact for Women:
“Legions of women have muscular thighs and calves that they would like to make slim and defined. This is common especially with women who have been given poor training advice. Despite this being a taboo subject, I’m going to give you a strategy that works.

Music & Exercise Performance – How to Create the Perfect Workout Playlist

Music is a great way to get the most out of exercising and also makes it much more enjoyable!
Research has shown that listening to the right songs before and during exercise will not simply reduce feelings of tiredness, but also increases performance levels by up to 20%.
During sub-maximal repetitive exercise (e.g. running, step-machine, cross-trainer, cycling etc.), music can narrow your attention and consequently divert your attention away from sensations of fatigue. Many marathon runners and triathletes refer to this as dissociation, i.e. focusing on stimuli unrelated to the task such as the surroundings. Successful dissociation tends to encourage a positive mood through avoidance of thoughts relating fatigue.
There is a link between music and the attainment of flow state during aerobic exercise. Flow implies an altered state of awareness during physical activity during which the mind and body function on “auto-pilot” with minimal conscious effort. Some refer to this as being “in the zone”; it is an almost trance-like or hypnotic state. Flow has been associated with optimal psychological state and represents complete enjoyment of and immersion in physical activity. Once you get in the zone, you’ll know what we’re talking about. It is a great feeling and once you catch the bug – you’re hooked.
The great thing is you don’t have to be an Olympic superstar to get “in the zone”, but you do have to push yourself. Some people find it helpful to get “in the zone” by closing their eyes for a few seconds (only on stationary machinery in the gym e.g. bike, Stairmaster, elliptical trainer – not the treadmill!) and focusing in on the music.


If you’re in the gym and you’re not working as hard as you might, you may be listening to the wrong type of music. For a piece of music to truly inspire the listener, it must fit you own personal music preferences, have strong rhythmic qualities that match the activity at hand and also have a tempo, which matches the predicted heart rate you are aiming for. The melody and harmony of the music should promote a positive mood state in you; specifically, they should energize you and increase vigor. To maximize the psychological benefits of music follow the guidelines below:
  • Synchronize music with your exercise. The tempo of the music must concur with your preferred work rate. For example, if you were swimming using the breaststroke at a rate of 100 strokes per minute, it would be sensible to use music playing at 100 beats per minute (bpm). Alternatively, breast stroking at a rate of 60 strokes per minute a tempo of 120 bpm can be used as the swimmer can take one stroke every two beats. This also applies to running/ cycling etc. – match the rhythm of the music to the rhythm of your body. When you feel like slowing down, the music can push you along because you are trying to keep up with the rhythm of the music, because it feels good.
  • Songs are particular to an individual – they are not prescriptive. So it’s up to you to select songs that drive you and inspire you. If someone has just broken up with you or someone treated you poorly, it may be that Destiny’s Child’s “Independent Woman” or “Survivor” may inspire and drive you. See list of the best workout songs and the bpm.
  • Songs that also make good choices are associated with physical activity either through the lyrics (e.g. “Work Your Body!”) or its association with other media such as film or television. A classic example of such a track would be Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger”, from the Rocky series.
  • You need variety. Have a playlist; do not play the same song over and over. Variety will keep up interest levels up and increase performance. You should modify/ update your play-list regularly as the songs that drive us are constantly changing, as the circumstances in our life are constantly changing.
  • Your playlist should have fast and slower paced music. Fast tempo music for exercise at high intensities, medium tempo music during weight training and slower music during recovery and stretching periods, during which heart rate is lower.

Bikini Body Program: Brazilian Butt Workout

Jennifer Lopez. Kim Kardashian. Beyonce. Jessica Biel. Shakira. Sofia Vergara. Anna Kournikova. Who doesn’t want a perfectly shaped gravity-defying butt?
The butt is a muscle like any other and can be targeted, worked and made shapelier. To firm, shape, lift and tone your butt do the following exercises at least 2 times a week (on non-consecutive days) in addition to your cardio routine.
Do this workout once a week and part 2 of the Brazilian Butt Workout once a week. Alternating workouts will make it more challenging, keep your body guessing and get you maximum results! Also, check out these butt-sculpting cardio workouts.
Beginners should aim for two sets of ten to 15 repetitions. If you’re fit, do two sets of 20 repetitions.



  • It’s easy to do, but  very effective.
  • Kneel on all fours
  • Lift your left knee off the floor and flex your left foot (this is the starting position).
  • Raise your left knee several inches higher, then lower it in a controlled movement back to the  starting position.
  • Complete one set of pulses and then hold the top position for several seconds.
  • Perform your second set.
  • Repeat with the right leg.
TIP: Don’t hyper-extend (over arch) your lower back.


  • Lie on your back, bend your left leg and place your  foot on the floor.
  • Extend your right leg at a 45º angle and keep your knees together.
  • Lift your bottom up off the floor.
  • Lower your bottom back down towards the ground,  but don’t let it touch the floor.
  • Repeat one set on the left, and then switch over to the right.
 TIP: Make sure you keep your  hips level.


BODY PART TARGETED: BOTTOM (GLUTES)  Jessical Biel is a fan!
  • Stand with both feet on top of  an exercise band.
  • Cross the resistance band in front of your legs and hold the ends of the band.
  • With your back straight and your shoulders back, take one step sideways, whilst keeping your legs straight.
  • Bring your feet back together, then step towards the other side.
TIP: Use controlled movements and always keep tension in the exercise band.


  • Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  • Move into a squat position and put your weight on your heels
  • Lift up your right leg straight behind you, while keeping your hips pointing forward (don’t twist them to the side) and extending arms forward.
  • Return to starting position and switch sides.
 TIP: Ensure you keep your back straight and look straight ahead throughout the range of motion



  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • With your hands on your hips, bend forward slightly for balance and lift your right leg off the floor.
  • Bend the lifted leg and then extend your leg out to your side, to perform a kicking movement.
  • Aim to do a full set before lowing your leg.
  • Then switch sides.
TIP: If you struggle to keep your balance, hold onto a piece of furniture/ fixed object for stability.


  • Stand with your shoulder-width feet apart and your hands resting on your hips.
  • Take a step (lunge) forward with your right leg.
  • Your front knee should be bent at a 90 degree angle and be align over your ankle.
  • Jump and switch legs in midair. You should land with your left leg in a forward lunge.
TIP: Keep your upper body tall, don’t slouch.


Work your glutes anytime, by contracting and releasing your glute muscles continuously for 2 minutes at a time while you’re sitting, e.g. at your desk or on the way to work. An exercise you can do whilst standing, is to hold a chair and perform side lifts. You can do this when you’re on the phone for example or watching TV. There’s no reason not to multi-task!

Bikini Body Program: Brazilian Butt Workout

So, here it is! Part 2 of the butt-sculpting workout to go with the first Brazilian Butt Workout. Do each workout once a week on non-consecutive days. Also, complete the Brazilian Butt Cardio part of the workout 2 – 3 times a week. 
This part of the workout requires a resistance band, a stability ball and one dumbbell (if you don’t have one, fill an empty milk container with water!). If you want to get fit at home and don’t have any equipment, these items are a really good starting point, as they are incredibly versatile and pretty inexpensive to buy. You can get resistance bands on Amazon.
Remember if you have any pre-existing medical conditions to clear any new workout plan with your doctor. This workout is just as, or more, challenging than workout 1, so be prepared!  


Beginners should aim for two sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. If you’re fit, do two sets of 20 repetitions.


  • Lie on your back on the floor and put both feet on the stability ball.
  • Place your arms by your sides to help aid balance.
  • Lift your hips off the floor (this is the starting position).
  • Now bend your knees & roll the ball towards your butt.
  • Push your hips up until you form a straight line between your knees, hips and shoulders.
TIP: If you get the cramp in the back of your legs or calf muscles, take a rest. Slowly build up until you can perform a full set.


  • Lie with your belly on top of a stability ball and place your hands firmly on the ground.
  • Bend your left leg and flex your foot.
  • Push your left heel up towards the ceiling and squeeze your bottom.
  • Now, lower your leg until your knee touches the ball.
  • Finish one set on the left side before repeating it with your right leg.
TIP: Keep your hips level and don’t bounce on the ball.


  • Stand on the floor with your right leg next to a step or bench.
  • Place your right foot on the bench and turn your toes (of the right foot) out 45°.
  • Step up onto your right leg and lift your left leg out to the side.
  • Bring your left leg back in towards your right leg and lower it to the ground.
  • Complete one entire set with your right foot on the step and then change sides. 
TIP: Keep your tummy tight and squeeze your bottom to help your balance.


The butt is made up of three layers of glute muscles. By adding rotations, you ensure that you work all three muscles to sculpt the butt from all angles.
  • Kneel next to a stability ball and lean over the ball with your left side. Then extend your right leg out sideways with your foot on the ground.
  • Now lift your extended right leg off the floor until it’s level with your hip.
  • Hold this top position and rotate your leg in a circular movement clockwise. Lower your leg.
  • Repeat this move, this time rotate your leg anti-clockwise.
  • One rotation counts as one repetition.
  • Complete one set with your right leg and then repeat with your left leg.
TIP: Your supporting leg, is also working hard, and will get tired as well.


  • Stand with your legs one-and-a-half times shoulder-width apart.
  • Turn your feet out 45 degrees.
  • Hold the end of a dumbbell between your legs with both hands.
  • Now bend your knees until the dumbbell touches the floor.
  • Return to the starting position.  
TIP: Remember to keep your back straight and look straight ahead during the exercise.


The extra resistance of the band will increase the resistance of this exercise, significantly increasing the toning effects on the butt.
  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Place an exercise band across your hips and hold the ends of the band on the floor either side of you.
  • Now, lift your butt off the ground until you form a straight line between your knees, hips and shoulders. Your hips should be pressing up against the resistance band.
  • Lower your butt back down to the ground, but don’t touch the floor.
TIP: You can make the exercise harder by doubling up the exercise band to increase resistance. The tighter you pull the band over your hips, the more resistance it’ll generate.

15 Minute Fat-Blasting Jump-Rope Workout

What allows you to work out at home, with equipment that costs next to nothing, and has calorie burning power that exceeds that of running? Jumping rope may be an old-school  favorite, but makes an awesome choice if you want to get fit and lose weight. Jumping rope is a cardiovascular exercise that burns a ton of calories, up to 1000 calories per hour (!), and it works the arms, legs and core, as well as strengthening your bones and improving your balance. Is there no end to the benefits of jumping rope?
If you’re a beginner use a comfortably heavy PVC rope. Being heavier, the rope means you’ll jump more slowly. As you improve, use a lighter rope, which will let you jump faster, increasing intensity and requiring greater skill.
Below you’ll descriptions of the various jumps and an intense 15 minute jump rope workout.

Single Jump

This is a basic jump. Simply jump over the rope and land on both feet. You only need to jump high enough to clear the rope.

Step Touch

Hold the handles of the rope together. Swing the rope to your right, tuning it twice in circular motion. At the same time step to the right and tap your left toes to your right heel. Repeat on the other side.

Running Jump

This jump requires you to simulate running, by alternating your feet when you jump. Run in place while jumping over the rope using one foot at a time.

Figure Eight

Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and hold the handles of the rope together with both hands in front of body. Now trace an imaginary horizontal figure of eight (infinity sign ¥) in front of you: moving from left shoulder to right hip and then from right shoulder to left hip. At the same time, transfer your weight from your left to your right foot and back.

Blast Arm Flab & Sculpt Sexy Arms Workout

This workout will help you to sculpt shapely, sexy, toned arms and will also target your shoulders and back with a variety of exercises to ensure you target all the different muscle fibres. The more ways you target your arms, the better shape you’ll achieve. 
You want to ditch the arm flab and sculpt yourself a pair of sexy, shapely arms. That requires a combination of:
  1. Reducing fat (to reduce size and jiggle)
  2. Toning arm muscles (to increase shape and firmness)
First off, it is impossible to “spot reduce”, that is to lose fat from a specific area. When you do exercises that target a specific area, you’re actually targeting the muscles (not fat!) in that area. That means you’re doing step 2, which is increasing the shape and firmness of your arms by toning your arm muscles. That will get you some results, but fighting jiggly arms requires more than just spot exercises!  
To get the amazing arms you want and to ditch that flab from the back of your arms, you must also do step 1 (reducing fat). Therefore, be sure to include regular cardio workouts in your training routine, eat a healthy, balanced and nutrient-rich diet, and get at least six to eight hours of sleep to allow your body to repair and recover.
Not only will this workout help you to sculpt the sexy arms you’re after, but will also help build strong, shapely shoulders and upper back, which will also significant improve your posture and pull your shoulders back, helping to flatten your stomach.


This workout should be done  in sequence.  Aim to do 8 to 12 repetitions with moderately heavy weights.


hammer culls arm exercises
  • Hold a weight in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • The palms of your hands should be facing forwards.
  • Bend your elbows, bringing your lower arms up towards your shoulders.
  • Lower your arms slowly back and with control to the starting position.
TIP: Make sure you keep your elbows close to your sides.


arms workout

  • Hold a weight in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your arms slightly bent and the palms of your hands facing inwards towards your body.
  • Slowly bring your right arm up towards your shoulder.
  • Slowly lower the weight back down
  • Repeat movement with your left arm.
  • Continue to alternate movement between your right and left arms.
TIP: Keep your movements controlled, don’t use momentum/ swing your upper body during the movement. Also, make sure you keep your elbows close to your sides,


arm workout 
  • Place your feet on the resistance band.
  • With your arms down, grab the ends of the exercise band with your hands, holding it tout. The resistance bands should not be slack, there should tension in the bands.
  • Curl your arms up towards your shoulders, such that you’re pulling/ stretching the bands.
  • Lower your arms slowly and controlled.
TIP: Keep your elbows close to your sides. Don’t let the resistance band bounce back, keep your movements controlled.


triceps dips
  • Sit on a chair or bench. With your arms straightened, place your hands on the chair/ bench next to your butt. Extend your legs straight out in front of you. Now, lift your bottom off the bench. This is your starting position.
  • To do the exercise, bend your elbows and lower your butt towards the floor.
  • Push up until your arms are straight again and repeat.
TIP: If you want to make this exercise a little easier, instead of straightening you legs, keep them bent.


arm workout for women
  • Kneel down on your hands and knees. Grab a weight in your right hand. Raise your right elbow until your upper arm is at the same level with your back. This is your starting position.
  • Move your raised arm backwards until your hand, elbow and shoulder have formed a straight line.
  • Slowly and with control bring your lower arm back down to the start position.
  • Repeat one set on the right arm before switching to the left side.
TIP: Keep your elbow your elbow steady and in the same position throughout the movement. Don’t lock your elbow in the straightened position.


triceps raise

  • Sit on a stability ball (or chair), and grasp one dumbbell with both hands.
  • Extend your arms up to the ceiling, keeping them close to your ears. This is your starting position.
  • Bend your elbows, bringing the dumbbell behind your head until it touches your shoulders.
  • Straighten your arms, bringing the dumbbell back up to the ceiling. 

Do not lock your elbows when you have your arms straight. Make sure your do the full movement (ceiling to shoulders) to target your triceps.


sculpt sexy arms workout

  • Kneel down on your hands and knees. Place your hands close together, and form a diamond shape with your index fingers and thumbs.
  • Bend your elbows and bring your upper body down to the ground. Keep your back straight and keep hands in the same position.
  • Straighten your arms to push your upper body back up to the starting position.



  • Stand and put your right leg and in front of your left leg. Bend your right leg, keep your left leg straight and lean your upper slightly forwards. Your left leg and upper body should form a straight line.
  • Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing up and nearish your knees. This is your starting position.
  • Pull your hands up towards your armpits and your upper arms up, squeezing your shoulder blades.
  • Slowly and with control, return to the starting position.
TIP: Make sure your keep your back straight and still throughout the exercise.


resistance bands for arm workout

  • Starting position is similar to the previous exercise:
  • Stand and put your right leg and in front of your left leg. Bend your right leg, keep your left leg straight and lean your upper forwards from your waist.
  • Put and resistance band underneath your right foot, and grab the ends of the resistance band in both hands.
  • Your arms should be extended in front of you, with a slight bend in your arms, and hands approximately and tummy level. This is your starting position.
  • Open your arms sideways and upwards (like a bird!) until your elbows are higher than your back.
TIP: Squeeze your shoulder blades towards your spine as your lift your arms sideways and up.
Sculpting sexy arms workout

Rock Solid Abs Workout

Abs. The top of most people’s wish list. Not just a flat tummy, but a little – or a lot – of definition too. If you’ve been ever so slightly obsessing about your abs, this workout will help put a stop to that. It’ll stop you wishing and set you on the path to getting the abs you always knew you deserved.
Why is this workout so awesome? First of all it targets your entire core – firming the front, sides and back of your torso. Working the abs, without working the back is asking for trouble. Why? Because if you make your front muscles strong, but neglect your back, you risk your ab muscles pulling you forward, because they’ve become so much stronger than the muscles of the back.
This workout is going to build your abs, but it’s also going to increase your back strength, which will improve your posture, pull in your tummy and make you look thinner. In other words, working the muscles of your back, also helps get you to your goal of a flat stomach. Do this workout in conjunction with regular cardio (preferably a mixture of steady state cardio and HIIT) and a balanced diet (4 week cardio bootcamp coming soon!).
The Rock Solid Abs Workout is going to target your core from all angles and it’s going to challenge your stability, balance, and rotational strength. Why is that good? The more variety in your workout, the more you challenge your muscles, the faster you’re going to see those abs. Also check out this complete library of ab exercises with video instruction – everything you could ever want to know in one place!


Do this workout 3 times a week, on nonconsecutive days. Aim for 2 sets of 20 reps, or if you’re a beginner start with 2 sets of 10 reps and work your way up.


  • Lie on your tummy (face-forward) on a bench and grab a dumbbell in each hand with the palms of your hands facing towards your feet.
  • Your arms should be extended downward, with the dumbbells almost touching the floor. This is your starting position.
  • Bring the dumbbells up towards your sides/ armpits.
  • With control lower the dumbbells back down to the ground.
TIP: The bench should be sufficiently high to allow your arms to hang down without the dumbbells hitting floor. Also, make sure you squeeze your shoulder blades together as you bring the dumbbells up to your armpits.


  • Tie a resistance band around a steady object and close to the ground.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight, lean forwards a little, bending from the waist.
  • With your arms extended and elbows slightly bent, grab the ends of the resistance band, so that you can feel some tension in the band. This is your starting position.
  • Lean backwards, whilst pulling your hands in towards your chest and squeezing your shoulder blades.
  • Hold for a second and return to starting position.
TIP:  Make sure the resistance band has a good amount of resistance so that you can really work your muscles. You can also use the pulley machine in the gym.


  • Lie with your belly (face down) on a stability ball and place your feet against a wall or other sturdy object.
  • Your arms should be straight and by your sides, with the palms of your hands facing towards the ceiling. This is your starting position.
  • Lift your torso up and at the same time rotate your palms down to face the floor and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Slowly and with control return to the starting position.
TIP: Don’t bend your back excessively (hyperextend).


  • Kneel behind a stability ball and place your bent elbows/ forearms on top the ball.
  • Now lift your knees off the ground and form a straight line between your head, shoulders, hips, knees, and feet. Your feet should be about hip-width apart.
  • Draw your abs in tight, keep your weight in your arms and your elbows below your shoulders. This is your starting position.
  • With control, slowly roll the stability ball about a little forward/ away from your body.
TIP: Lift your hips higher if it feels uncomfortable in your lower back. You can increase the difficulty of the exercise by increasing distance you move the ball away from your body.


  • With your arms extended, put your hands on the floor and your feet on the stability ball.
  • Your feet, hips and shoulder should form a straight line, and your hands should be below your shoulders. This is your starting position.
  • Pressing against the floor with your hands, slowly push your body backwards, allowing the ball to roll back. Draw your abs in tight (belly button pulled in towards spine).
  • Roll forwards back to your starting position.
TIP: Your hands should remain in the same place on the ground. Lift your hips higher to stop your back arching if it feels uncomfortable in your lower back.

Supreme Green Smoothie – How to make a green smoothie taste awesome

This smoothie may be green – and it does pack in leafy greens and is supremely nutritious – but that’s where any similarity with your average green smoothie ends. This green smoothie is mild, light, creamy, and super-smooth. It’s also super-filling and makes for an awesome breakfast, or for a great dessert/ treat. Add a little less liquid and it’s just perfectly sublime to be eaten with a spoon. It’s that good. If you need to get the kids to associate green with scrumptiousness this is your smoothie. If you have a sweet tooth and have to cheat the veggies into your diet, this is your smoothie. And, if you don’t like bananas (there are a lot of you out there!), this one is bananaless.


Hopefully having convinced that the Supreme Green is delectable, lets move on to it’s other attributes. The insane creaminess of this smoothie comes from avocado. Brazil and the Far East have long been making milkshakes, desserts and other sweet treats with it. Who knew? And why didn’t they tell us?

Avocado is loaded with dietary fiber, which helps keep the digestive system running smoothly and also helps you to feel fuller for longer. Avocados are in rich in healthy fats that increase satiety. Again helping you feel fuller longer. Even better, according to research avocados may actually help reduce cholesterol levels. Pears are a great source of fiber and vitamin C, while fresh spinach is rich in list of vitamins and minerals too long to mention.  Greek yogurt adds protein and makes this smoothie even more filling and more of a meal.  Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and has little to no taste. But more importantly, chia seeds absorb about 10 times their weight in water. After about 20 minutes these little seeds swell up, expanding in the stomach and leaving you feeling full for hours.
Ideally a smoothie should pack in carbs, healthy fats, protein, fiber and boast high levels of nutrients to make a nutritious and satisfying meal. And this smoothie fits the bill. See more about how to make a weight loss smoothie.

Supreme Green Smoothie is high in the following vitamins and minerals:
  • High in calcium
  • High in dietary fiber
  • High in potassium
  • Very high in vitamin A
  • High in vitamin C


  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 ripe pear
  • 2 tbs low-fat Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • ice cubes
Makes 1 generous serving.

  • Add a dash of pure vanilla extract or vanilla stevia drops for more flavor.
  • If the pear isn’t sweet/ ripe enough use honey, banana, grapes or other such fruit to sweeten.
  • For extra zing add a splash fresh lime juice.
  • To boost protein add vanilla protein powder.
  • Experiment a little and adapt it to suit your palate. See this smoothie infographic for ideas and ingredients to add to your smoothie.
For a smooth smoothie, first blend the spinach with the milk only. Once smooth, add remaining ingredients.
Smoothie Nutritional content:
297 calories, 13g fiber, 7.8g protein

5 Great Sources of Vegan Protein

Protein, along with dietary fat and carbohydrates, are the cornerstones of our diet. However, unlike fats and carbs, the main sources of protein tend to be animal-based. The reason for this is that animal protein is generally “complete” protein (unlike plant protein), which means it contains all essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are special amino acids that our body cannot produce and that we must obtain from our diet to maintain good health. Fear not! It is possible to build complete protein from plant-based foods by combining legumes, grains, and nuts in one meal or over the course of a day.
Just because you’ve decided to ditch the meat, doesn’t mean it becomes impossible to meet your body’s protein requirements. Far from it, there are plenty of great sources of plant protein. And according to new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, vegetarians actually have a slightly better chance at living longer than regular meat-eating folk. So here are some great plant-based sources of protein.


This rather remarkable plant protein sets a high bar for the rest to come. Unlike most plant protein, quinoa boasts complete protein status, packing in all the essential amino acids your body needs. It’s easy to prepare, tastes delicious and is super versatile; it can be cooked, added to soups, simply used as a cereal, or made into pasta. This food is so super, that the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has officially declared 2013 to be “The International Year of the Quinoa. I kid you not. It’s that awesome. If you’ve never tried it before, this is the year.


Beans are cheap, versatile and a great source of protein. One cup of kidney, pinto, white or black beans, will provide a whopping 12-15 grams of belly-filling protein. Beans are also full of filling fiber and rich in micronutrients. And what do you know, there’s a bean for everything. White beans are great in pasta or smoothies, black beans and pinto beans in tacos and burritos; edamame or garbanzo in stir-fries; while kidney are delicious in salads.


Another exception to the rule, tofu is a complete protein. A half block of tofu provides approximately 14 grams of protein and only about 110 calories. Tofu is made of solidified soy milk. There is firm tofu, which holds its shape when pushed around in a pan and works great in stir-fries and soups, then there is silken tofu, which is soft and creamy and works best in sauces, dressings, desserts and smoothies.


Lentils pack in about 18 grams of protein in just one cup! In fact, 30% of the calories in lentils come from protein. Lentils also are rich in fiber, folate, vitamin B1, and iron. Cooked lentils boast about 1/3 more folate (reduces the risk of birth defects) per cup than cooked spinach! Lentils come in all sorts of sizes and colors, including yellow, orange, green, brown and deep black. While lentils are an incomplete protein, they tend to be eaten mixed with grains, such as rice or small pasta, making it a complete protein dish.


Non-dairy milk can pack a protein punch too. Soy milk is the most popular alternative to dairy milk, and also has the most similar nutritional profile to cow’s milk. Soy milk provides 5-10 grams of protein, while cow’s milk 8 grams. Many brands of soy milk will boast pretty much the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin D as cow’s milk. Rice milk and almond milk provide little protein. If you don’t like the idea of soy milk, hemp milk is becoming an increasing popular alternative. Hemp milk provides complete protein and is more creamy than soy milk and has a nutty flavor to it.

How to make a smoothie without banana

Think of a smoothie. Think of bananas. Check out the ingredients of any smoothie recipe, and 9 times out of 10 you’ll find banana on that list. For better of worse, bananas and smoothies are like peanut butter and jelly – they go very well together.
Maybe you’ve run out of bananas or want to try something new. Perhaps you’re allergic to bananas. Maybe you want to cut down on the sugar and calorie content of your smoothies to make lower calorie smoothies. Or you just don’t like the taste, texture or sight of bananas. Maybe you just don’t like yellow? For all of you seeking smoothies without bananas know this. Bananas are convenient, but they’re by no means some sort of magical or essential ingredient to making to making a smoothie awesome.
Bananas are a popular ingredient in green smoothies and fruit smoothies for good reason – or reasons to be precise.
  • have a subtle flavor
  • add natural sweetness
  • are healthy
  • add smooth texture
  • give a smoothie body (makes it more substantial – less lightweight)
  • act as a binder – holding the whole smoothie together.
So yes, bananas and smoothies make great bedfellows, but that certainly doesn’t mean you can’t make a great smoothie without one. So, we’re giving you the low-down on how to make a smoothie awesome – without bananas.

How to make healthy no-bake energy bites

Put down that store-bought energy bar, throw out that chocolate bar, and embrace the infinitely customizable and far healthier energy bite – or ball.
Energy bite. Energy ball. Potato. Potaato. Important is, these little bites rock. Whether you’re looking for a bite of breakfast, a pre-workout energy booster, a post-workout snack, an afternoon pick-me-up or just a healthy sweet treat, give energy bites a try. Pack them with protein and superfruits, keep it simple with oats and nut butter, or just use what you’ve got to hand – no extra special ingredients needed. These little guys can be anything you want.
Start with a core recipe and then adapt it to suit your needs.


The body. This is basically the core ingredient. Think oats, shredded coconut, dates, protein powder and wheat germ. Mostly these are dry ingredients..
The glue. This is what keeps everything together in a shapely ball. You’re looking for wet/ sticky ingredients. Nut and seed butters work really well. But soft, mashable fruit/ vegetables such as mashed banana, cooked sweet potato and avocado can also work if you’re avoiding nuts. If you’re not using nut butter or you generally just need something to hold it together better, adding a tablespoon or two of coconut oil works great.
Burst of flavor. Dried fruit or cocoa nibs make for fantastic additions, and give a lovely burst of flavor.
Sweetener. Depending on how sweet you like your treats you can add something extra to sweeten things up. Try honey, maple syrup, molasses, or agave nectar. If you’ve added sweet fruit such as cranberries or dates, you might need less sweetener.
Flavor. Add an extra layer of flavor with a splash of vanilla or a dash spice. This brings out the sweetness, without actually adding extra calories.
Health boost. This is a great opportunity to add some healthy extras such as chia seeds, maca powder, and even spirulina! This is where you upgrade your energy bite to a nutrient-packed powerhouse of goodness. Where the other ingredients are about adding protein, healthy fats and complex carbs, this step is all about adding extra micronutrients – vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and other goodies. You can also make it more filling by adding chia seeds for example. These little fellas may look tiny, but once they’re in your stomach they expand greatly to make you feel fuller.
Bonus! For an extra nice finish, roll the energy bites in dusting of cocoa powder, crushed nuts, seeds, shredded coconut or melted dark chocolate.
Energy bites are super easy and quick to make. No awesome kitchen skills required! This recipe makes about 20 balls.

2 – 2 ½ cups core ingredients
½ cup nuts or nut butter
½ cup dried fruit (or chocolate chips)
1/3 cup sweetener
½ – 1 tsp flavor enhancer
1 – 2 tbs health booster
Of course this is just a starting point. You can be more adventurous and change things up a lot more. Just keep the consistency of the mixture in mind, as you want it to hold together when you roll it into tasty little energy balls! If you prefer your bites more sticky, be careful with how much extra “glue” you add, as these ingredients tend to be heavier on the calories.
Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until thoroughly combined.
Allow mixture to cool in the refrigerator for 15 – 30 minutes.
Once chilled, roll into energy balls!
It’s that easy.


For a pre-workout energy bite go for more carbs and less protein. You’re looking for energy to power you through your workout and also want it to be easily digestible so it won’t upset your stomach when you’re exercising. To do this, add in more fruit. Also, carbs such as oats are great, as they’re low-glycemic, meaning that it’ll help avoid big fluctuations in blood-levels and provide you with a steady stream of energy.
For a post-workout energy bite a combination of carbs and protein helps speed up muscle recovery. Protein helps to rebuild and repair, whiles carbs help to replace energy stores.
The more protein and fiber you pack in to your energy bites the more filling they are, which means you get more bang (feeling full) for your buck (calories). Remember, this is not an unhealthy sweet treat. These energy bites are not meant to be empty calories. Quite the opposite! These energy bites punch above their weight. Yes they’re tasty, but you want something in return – for it to be satisfying and highly rich in nutrients, even though they’re super small.

Almond Banana Smoothie

This nutrient-packed smoothie makes for a great no-fuss breakfast. Filling, creamy, and smooth. No chewing required.  With only a handful of simple ingredients you’re sure to have on hand, this smoothie will load you up on protein, fiber and nutrients, helping to power you through the morning.
This almond banana smoothie is rich in calcium, manganese, B vitamins and vitamin E.
Some of the ingredients in this healthy smoothie include:
Wheatgerm: Wheat germ is the most mineral- and vitamin-rich part of the wheat kernel. Just two tablespoons packs in a healthy dose of B vitamins and vitamin E. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant and thought to protect against free radicals which cause cell damage and play an important part in the ageing process – making a popular ingredient in anti-ageing skincare products. So don’t just slather it on, be sure to include it in your diet too!
Almonds: Another rich source of vitamin E. Almonds are also packed with biotin, aka vitamin H, which is thought to improve the infrastructure of keratin (a protein that makes up hair, skin and nails). A lot of folks swear by biotin for thicker, longer hair and stronger nails.
Cinnamon: Brings out the sweetness of the smoothie, so you’re less likely to sweeten it further. Cinnamon also helps to balance blood sugar levels. Plus, just smelling cinamon is thought to improve cognitive function and memory!
Rich in fiber: Wheatgerm, almonds and bananas are rich in fiber, making this smoothie filling and helping with erm… you know … keeping your bowels moving nice and regular.

Almond Banana Smoothie Recipe

2 ripe bananas
1 1/2 cups almond milk
1/4 cup low-fat natural yoghurt
1 tablespoons almond butter
2 tablespoon wheat germ
A dash of cinnamon
A little honey to sweeten to taste if needed
5 ice cubes
Place the banana, milk, yoghurt, almond butter, wheat germ, cinnamon and ice in the blender, and blend until velvety smooth. If you don’t have almond milk, don’t panic. Just use regular cow’s milk or whatever type of milk you have. Taste and adjust for sweetness with a drizzle of honey if needed. Drink up & enjoy!
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